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Wells Valley Presbyterian Church


No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.


Make no mistake about it!  We are in the country.  We are decidedly rural. We are small in size.

 But we have big hope.

Our hope is in the Lord our God.  He can transform us, our lives, and the lives we touch. We can, with God's help, make a difference  in our relationships, community, and world.

 We have big fellowship.

Together we celebrate, we grieve, we remember, we comfort, and we rejoice in our all loving God.  Our numbers are small but we want to share what we have found with you.

We welcome you!

Welcome saints and sinners alike.   

We welcome all to worship with us,

grow with us, and  join us in ministry and mission. There are no reserved seats. Your gifts are important to us but come as you are to receive the life giving waters of God's grace.

We are a worshipping and serving community.

We seek to serve outside our walls. God asks us to be a servant people. Help us discover God's plans for mission in the church.  


Worship:  Sunday, 9 AM

Sunday School:  10 AM 

Rebecca Drover, Commissioned Ruling Elder

Our Mission

We strive to share the Good News of Christ

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