Please email prayer requests for joys and concerns using the contact page on this website.
Now while "sheltering in"
Worship in the park Sunday as long as condiitons allow. Bring chairs and masks. Online worship will continue every week.
Zoom Bible study is on hold.
Daily devotions are on Facebook.
Later, when we are back in the church:
When Sunday school resumes we will be studying Moses, the Reluctant Prophet and Jesus' parables.
Kitchen notes: Please be sure you close the basement door promptly. All food should be stored securely or kept it in the refrigerator.
Is anyone interested in designing and creating our next banner. Please see Janis Helsel.
Do you have a craft item you make that can be sold at our annual mission bazaar in November (IF this is still held). In addition to baked goods, and white elephant items, crafts would be appreocated.
Though we always welcomed singers and musicians, it is unclear when we will be able to do this in the church. You may tape a selection though and when we meet as a congregation, we can use taped offerings.